Hi, welcome to Counselling Online an alcohol and drug support service for people within Australia. You have been redirected here from the tertiary student support service Just Ask Us because the support and information you are seeking is now provided by Counselling Online.
Access the national student support service finder to locate tertiary counselling services within your area.
Browse our site for:
- The webchat where you can immediately talk with a drug and alcohol counsellor.
- Our peer support forum a community where you can talk with others who are looking to make positive changes in their lives regarding substance use.
- Email support where you can engage in a conversation via email; a more intermittent contact regarding substance use.
- SMS support our messaging service which provides tips and motivators as you make changes in your life. (This service is currently under review).
- Self-assessment tools to help you get a picture of where you are with substance use.
- Self-help Modules to provide you with information and strategies to help you manage substance use.
- Alcohol and drug information
- Help in your state.
If you require crisis support now please contact one of the following:
- Life Line
131 114 - Beyond Blue
1300 22 4636 - Head to Health
13 11 14 - kidshelpline
1800 551 800
If you or someone else is in immediate danger contact β 000