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Why chat to a counsellor online?

Why chat to a counsellor online?

Sometimes it can be tricky to ask for help when you’re feeling ashamed about substance use. Speaking to someone online can make that step feel less daunting.

Our service is open to anyone affected by alcohol and other drugs, including people who are worried about a family member or friend.

Our service is free, and available 24/7. And it’s confidential as well.

Who will I be talking to?

Our counsellors are professionally qualified and experienced in alcohol and drug counselling and treatment. Many of them have worked in face-to-face alcohol and other drug treatment services.

When can I speak to someone?

Anytime. Our counsellors are available 24/7.

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How do I start a counselling session?

How do I start a counselling session?

It’s easy to start chatting with our counsellors. You can either sign up to the Counselling Online member portal (see info below) or, if you aren’t ready to become part of our community, you can chat with a counsellor using our single access option:

  1. Click on the start chat button – this can be found on every page. You’ll be asked what you are looking for today
  2. Choose an option – you will be given some ideas and a menu will pop up where you can always choose to chat with a counsellor
  3. You will be asked to answer some questions so we can get to know you better (you can choose not to answer them and be put straight through to a counsellor)
  4. A chat window will open and you can start your session
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Advantages of online counselling

Advantages of online counselling

One of the huge advantages of online counselling is that it’s flexible. You can start a session anywhere, anytime, as long as you can connect to the internet.

Think about it - you don’t have to worry about how to get there, you don’t have to wait to talk to someone. And because it’s free you don’t have to worry about how to budget for it (other than any data costs your internet service provider charges).

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Disadvantages of online counselling

Disadvantages of online counselling

Online communication isn’t suitable if you’re in crisis. If you’re dealing with an emergency, please contact 000. In a crisis, we recommend seeking other forms of support such as free call telephone support from the National Alcohol and Other Drug Hotline on 1800 250 015.

Another potential disadvantage is that when you’re typing or texting with another person, words can be misinterpreted, or feelings may not be adequately expressed or explained. If you feel this could be happening, check in with your counsellor to clear up any misunderstanding. 

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Why join the Counselling Online member portal?

Why join the Counselling Online member portal?

Signing up to Counselling Online’s member portal gives you access to a range of services that you can’t access from the main website

You can access email support if you need to talk to someone, but don’t have enough time to talk to a counsellor online

You can do an alcohol, drug or anxiety self-assessment – these are a quick way to understand where you’re at

All your previous counselling sessions will be saved and can be viewed by you and the counsellor you are talking to. You can also see any resources or referrals they may have given you in a session. The benefits of this are:

  • you won’t need to repeat your story each time you start a session
  • you can refer back to previous sessions for any helpful tips and referrals
  • it helps track your progress so that you can see how you are going

However you choose to access our services, we look forward to meeting you!

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Get Started

Get started

This service is only available to people in Australia.